由INBC Global發(fā)起的第七屆垃圾管理暨垃圾制能亞洲環(huán)保峰會(huì)聚焦印尼,于6月14-16日在印尼首都雅加達(dá)隆重召開(kāi),江蘇華星東方副總經(jīng)理及相關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)部門領(lǐng)導(dǎo)應(yīng)邀參會(huì)。
The 7th Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy Asian Environmental Protection Summit initiated by INBC Global focused on Indonesia and was grandly held in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, from June 14 to 16. The deputy general manager of Jiangsu Huaxing East Co. and the leaders of other major entities in the field were invited to attend the conference.
Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Huaxing East,
Leaders from same business departments of other entities

Director of GEA Flue Gas Treatment Division

此次會(huì)議邀請(qǐng)了印尼國(guó)家能源礦產(chǎn)資源部(ESDM),環(huán)境森林部(MoEF),三寶壟市(Semarang),梭羅市(Surakarta),巴厘島登帕薩市(Denpasar),茂物市(Bogor)等國(guó)家部級(jí)和市政部門官員,以及來(lái)自中國(guó),歐洲,日本,韓國(guó)的投資商及技術(shù)設(shè)備供應(yīng)商出席( 江蘇華星東方環(huán)??萍加邢薰?,重慶三峰卡萬(wàn)塔環(huán)境產(chǎn)業(yè)有限公司,中國(guó)光大環(huán)境(集團(tuán))有限公司,上海康恒環(huán)境股份有限公司,浙江旺能股份有限公司,中材節(jié)能股份有限公司,中山斯瑞德環(huán)??萍脊煞萦邢薰?,無(wú)錫華光環(huán)保能源集團(tuán)股份有限公司等企業(yè)),為印尼帶來(lái)了中國(guó)垃圾處置及垃圾發(fā)電領(lǐng)域的最新解決方案。近200名與會(huì)嘉賓一起討論廢棄物治理及垃圾發(fā)電在印尼的發(fā)展機(jī)遇和挑戰(zhàn)。
In the meeting officials from various institutions were invited such as Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), Semarang City (Semarang), Solo City (Suryakarta), Bali Island (Denpasar City), Bogor City (Bogor) and other national ministerial and municipal officials, as well as investors and technical equipment suppliers from China, Europe, Japan, South Korea (Jiangsu Huaxing East Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Sanfeng Covanta Environmental Industry Co., Ltd., China Everbright Environment (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Kangheng Environmental Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Wangneng Co., Ltd., Sinoma Energy Conservation Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Srad Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Wuxi Huaguang Environmental Protection Energy Group Co., Ltd. and other enterprises), came to Indonesia with the latest solutions in the field of waste disposal and waste power generation in China. Nearly 200 guests discussed the development opportunities and challenges of waste management and waste-to-energy  technologies in Indonesia.
On June 16, under the guidance of the Jakarta Provincial Environmental Bureau's Integrated Waste Management Division (UPST), we visited the Indonesian waste-to-energy demonstration project. The project was designed by the former BPPT (Indonesian National Technology Evaluation and Application Bureau), now named BRIN (National Research and Innovation Bureau), and is now managed by the Jakarta Provincial Environmental Bureau.
地點(diǎn):Bantar Gebang Landfill,
Bekasi勿加泗 班塔格邦 垃圾填埋場(chǎng)
項(xiàng)目性質(zhì):示范性項(xiàng)目 (Pilot Project)
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga
Sampah (PLTSa) Merah Putih
Location: Bantar Gebang Landfill,
Bekasi Bekasi Banta Gap Landfill
Project Nature: Demonstration Project (Pilot Project)
Processing capacity: 100tpd

Power generation: 300kw-500kw

As the first demonstration project of waste incineration power generation in Indonesia, the project aims to promote the public's understanding of environmentally friendly waste-to-energy technology and encourage the implementation of waste-to-power technology in Indonesia.
華星東方目前在國(guó)內(nèi)外眾多城市擁有煙氣凈化和廢水治理的工程業(yè)績(jī),主要集中在工業(yè)廢棄物、農(nóng)業(yè)廢棄物、生活廢棄物等領(lǐng)域具有領(lǐng)先的技術(shù)和優(yōu)勢(shì)。累計(jì)參與200多座固廢焚燒廠的建設(shè),正在實(shí)施和已經(jīng)完成了500余套固廢焚燒煙氣凈化系統(tǒng),其中華星東方近期圓滿完成了GEA Bishoff PTFI MANYAR 金屬冶煉印尼項(xiàng)目SDA制造工程。
Jiangsu Huaxing East Co., Ltd. currently has engineering achievements in flue gas purification and wastewater treatment in many cities at home and abroad, mainly focusing on industrial waste, agricultural waste, domestic waste and other fields with leading technologies and advantages. Accumulatively participated in the construction of more than 200 solid waste incineration plants, and more than 500 sets of solid waste incineration flue gas purification systems are being implemented and completed. Among them, Huaxing has recently successfully completed the SDA manufacturing project of the GEA Bishoff PTFI MANYAR metal smelting project in Indonesia.
華星東方在海外的業(yè)績(jī)涵蓋包括:印度南部特倫甘納邦鄧迪格市、印度海德拉巴一期、二期、土耳其維拉卡紙廠、泰國(guó)SCG集團(tuán)、GEA Bishoff PTFI MANYAR等多個(gè)項(xiàng)目。

Huaxing's overseas performance covers: Dundigo City, Telangana State in southern India, Phase I and Phase II of Hyderabad, India, Velaka Paper Mill in Turkey, SCG Group in Thailand, GEA Bishoff PTFI MAYAR and many other projects.

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